Hex : #DB3700
rgb : 219 55 0
hsb : 15 100 86
Webselly Providing multi-page Business website with free professional domain and free hosting for Just $600 per year. Webselly providing website builder platform in which mid sized businesses can get their informative website with domain and hosting easily subscription bases. Webselly providing websites for 30+ business categories with free custom domain and hosting subscription.
Full Branding, UX Research, UI Design, Design System, Website Development, Admin Panel Development, Razorpay Payment Integration, Admin/CMS Integration, Unit/Performance Testing
Hex : #DB3700
rgb : 219 55 0
hsb : 15 100 86
Hex : #010101
rgb : 1 1 1
hsb : 0 0 0
Hex : #FFFDF5
rgb : 255 253 245
hsb : 48 4 100
While choosing color palettes for any user interface, we understand the design color psychology and match it with the business idea. Since this was website builder Webselly.com, we went with color of lurid red, black and floral white to create relevance.
Tech stack used
The Problem
Before Webselly.com, businesses struggled with establishing a strong online presence and effectively showcasing their products or services. The complexities of building and managing a website, coupled with the challenges of e-commerce, posed barriers for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
Finding a platform that seamlessly integrates user-friendly design, robust e-commerce features, and effective marketing tools was a persistent challenge. The absence of a centralized hub for streamlined website development and online selling hindered businesses from reaching their full potential in the digital landscape.
The Solution
Webselly.com emerges as the transformative solution to the challenges faced by businesses in the digital realm. This innovative platform simplifies the process of creating and managing a website, providing businesses with a user-friendly interface, customizable templates. Webselly acts as the centralized hub for entrepreneurs and small businesses, offering a comprehensive solution for building, launching, and promoting their online presence.
With seamless integration of functionalities, marketing tools, and secure payment gateways, Webselly empowers businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace. This solution is not just about websites; it's a catalyst for digital success, providing businesses with the tools they need to flourish online.
$600 Complete Business Website Package: Design, Development, Domain, Hosting, SSL, Basic SEO.
Webselly Providing multi-page Business website with free professional domain and free hosting for Just $600 per year. Webselly providing website builder platform in which mid sized businesses can get their informative website with domain and hosting easily subscription bases. Webselly providing websites for 30+ business categories with free custom domain and hosting subscription
Tapping into a webselly features
The online website designing by wix and squarspace in demand now a days. in which webselly provides website with domain and hosting in very low cost then the competitors.
Here are feature that webselly.com provides.
The typography for any user interface, where there is a lot of information being absorbed, we kept it minimal, bold & eye catchy. Developed website and mobile app should be appear properly in all those cross platform and different screen sizes.