Hex : #283779
rgb : 40 55 121
hsb : 229 67 47
ABOUT THE O'positive Health
O'Positive Health is a cutting-edge healthcare platform that provides accessible information and streamlined processes for elective surgeries. It connects patients, doctors, and hospitals, offering free consultations and comprehensive care. By partnering with government and private hospitals, O'Positive Health ensures high-quality services at an affordable cost. The platform addresses the lack of accessible information, limited consultation options, and the hassle involved in the surgery journey.
UI Design, UX Research, Website Development, CMS Integration, Admin Panel Development, Performance Testing
Hex : #283779
rgb : 40 55 121
hsb : 229 67 47
Hex : #FD8D0A
rgb : 253 141 10
hsb : 32 96 99
Hex : #AFDDF2
rgb : 175 221 242
hsb : 199 28 95
rgb : 235 235 250
hsb : 240 6 98
While choosing color palettes for any user interface, we understand the design color psychology and match it with the business idea. Since this was comprehensive healthcare platform O'positive Health, we went with color of blue, orange and light blue to create relevance.
Tech stack used
The Problem
Patients faced challenges in accessing reliable information, finding skilled doctors, and navigating the elective surgery journey. Lack of accessible information and fear led to hesitancy in undergoing surgeries. Patients struggled with finding the right doctors, managing insurance claims, and ensuring comprehensive care throughout the process.
The Solution
O'Positive Health implemented solutions to provide accessible information, offer free consultations with skilled doctors, streamline the surgery process, and assist with insurance claims. They ensured access to experienced doctors, top-tier facilities, and affordable costs, empowering patients with reliable information and reducing the surgery journey's hassle
The Result
O'Positive Health improved patient access to consultations, reduced waiting times, and enhanced the surgical experience. The platform successfully served over 700 customers, providing a range of elective eye surgeries with high satisfaction. Patients benefited from comprehensive care, increased understanding of their options, and confident decision-making.
The platform addresses the lack of accessible information, limited consultation options, and the hassle involved in the surgery journey.
O'Positive Health is a cutting-edge healthcare platform that provides accessible information and streamlined processes for elective surgeries. It connects patients, doctors, and hospitals, offering free consultations and comprehensive care. By partnering with government and private hospitals, O'Positive Health ensures high-quality services at an affordable cost.
Overview and Feature of O'positive Health
O'positive Health - Your Comprehensive Healthcare Platform. Your gateway to informed elective surgeries and expert medical consultations. O'positive Health Provides accessible information and streamlined processes for elective surgeries.
Here are some key points that Jaraware developed for O'positive Health:
The typography for any user interface, where there is a lot of information being absorbed, we kept it minimal, bold & eye catchy. Developed website and mobile app should be appear properly in all those cross platform and different screen sizes.
"Jaraware developed O'Positive Health's user-friendly healthcare platform, enhancing the patient experience with seamless features like free consultations and insurance claims assistance.."
Yogesh Prajapati, Founder & CEO of O'positive Health