Hex : #222222
rgb : 34 34 34
hsb : 0 0 13
Since 1996 we provide all kind of Architectural and Interior design with Sructural & MEP engineering services. We also provide BIM outsoucing services. Our design experience includes Commercial, Residential, Institutional, High end Bungalows, Hospitality projects etc. Zstudio Architect is a design-oriented COA certified architectural firm with domestic/ international exposure and is committed to excellence in custom architecture & interior design for commercial, residential, cultural, corporate and academic buildings. We combine rigorous design that leads to a distinctive design process and end product that are aesthetically and intellectually rigorous.
Our design values are modern: efficiency, logic, beauty, honest expression of materials, and clean lines and forms that allow the architecture itself - the space, light, materials, spatial relationships - and inhabitants to thrive. The result is an architecture that is current but timeless, serene yet warm, and universally rational while also being uniquely reflective of the values and characters of our clients.
UI Design, UX Research, Website Design, CMS Integration, Admin Panel Development
Hex : #222222
rgb : 34 34 34
hsb : 0 0 13
Hex : #EDF25B
rgb : 237 242 91
hsb : 62 62 95
Hex : #F8F8F8
rgb : 248 248 248
hsb : 0 0 97
Hex : #Ffffff
rgb : 255 255 255
hsb : 0 0 100
While choosing color palettes for any user interface, we understand the design color psychology and match it with the business idea. Since this was Architecture Design Firm, we went with color of dark shade of gray and sandy yellow to create relevance.
Tech stack used
The Problem
Pre-Zstudio Architect, clients searching for design excellence faced the uphill battle of finding a firm that seamlessly blended modern aesthetics with timeless sophistication. The market lacked a reliable source for custom architecture and interior design that transcended the ordinary, limiting the choices available to those seeking distinctive and intellectually rigorous designs.
The Solution
Zstudio Architect emerges as the solution to the design conundrum, redefining the boundaries of design excellence. With a legacy dating back to 1996, Zstudio Architect is not just a COA certified architectural firm; it's a pioneer in crafting custom solutions. The firm's commitment to modern design values, efficiency, logic, and clean lines ensures that each project is a masterpiece.
Since 1996 we provide all kind of Architectural and Interior design with Sructural & MEP engineering services.
We also provide BIM outsoucing services. Our design experience includes Commercial, Residential, Institutional, High end Bungalows, Hospitality projects etc. Zstudio Architect is a design-oriented COA certified architectural firm with domestic/ international exposure and is committed to excellence in custom architecture & interior design for commercial, residential, cultural, corporate and academic buildings. We combine rigorous design that leads to a distinctive design process and end product that are aesthetically and intellectually rigorous.
Overview and Feature of Zstudio Architect
Here are some key points that Jaraware developed for O'positive Health:
The typography for any user interface, where there is a lot of information being absorbed, we kept it minimal, bold & eye catchy. Developed website and mobile app should be appear properly in all those cross platform and different screen sizes.
"We are very happy with the creative web design. They did a great job beyond expectations. All are very hard-working and always ready to help. Fast service. I would recommend 100%."
Nilesh Sheth, Founder of Zstudio Architect